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Godstone Parish Council

Public Information

Surrey Fire and Rescue Service Community Risk Management Plan

Surrey Fire and Rescue Service is asking communities for their feedback on their Community Risk Management Plan. 

Community Risk Management Plan 2025 to 2030 (Draft proposal and consultation) - Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk)


Toilets in Godstone

A contractor has been working, for Tandridge District Council, on the refurbishment of the toilets on Godstone Green.  The exterior of the toilet building, which is in Godstone Conservation Area, will be kept the same while the brand new toilets are installed inside. The aim is for the work to be completed within the summer

Surrey Rights of Way Improvement Plan

Work is beginning on a review of Surrey County Council’s Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP).
Surrey County Council (SCC) is responsible for around 2164 miles (3482 km) of public footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic across the whole of Surrey County.
Surrey County Council’s ROWIP is an important strategic policy document, which the council is required by law to have in place. It sets out how Surrey County Council can make sure the public rights of way network meets the needs of the public, now and in the future. The process of reviewing the ROWIP, and the engagement being carried out before the new ROWIP is drafted, will help the council to better understand the needs of Surrey County residents.
A questionnaire for members of the public is available at https://www.surreysays.co.uk/environment-and-infrastructure/rowip-public

Surrey's 'Vision Zero' Road Safety Strategy 2024-2035

SCC, in conjunction with Surrey Police & National Highways, is embarking on a ‘Vision Zero’ Strategy for there to be zero fatalities or serious injuries on Surrey's roads by 2050. To work toward this 2050 vision, SCC have set a new target to reduce fatal and serious road casualties by 50% by 2035. Key highlights of the strategy include introducing 20 mph speed limits in built-up areas, road safety relating to schools and education, as well as local cycling and walking infrastructure plans. The 8.4km route of the A25 between Dorking and Reigate will also be improved at junctions with speed management measures and safer roadsides.

You can give your views on the SCC’s Road Safety Strategy and plans here: https://visionzerosurrey.commonplace.is/
Surrey County Council Asset Network for Community Groups and Charities

To  make it easier for community groups to find out about funding, consultations, Surrey County Council are developing some “asset networks”. Community groups, charities, social enterprises, faith organisations etc can sign up in order to be kept in the loop about grant opportunities, consultations, opportunities to co-design etc and hope this will make it easier to collaborate with the community sector.

Surrey County Council - Rural England Propserity Fund Grant
Grants of up to £50,000 are now available to fund projects that will have a positive impact on businesses and communities in the rural areas of Guildford, Waverley and Tandridge. Active businesses, charities and community groups in these areas can apply for up to 50% of capital costs for projects which create jobs or grow the local rural economy such as farm diversification, food and drink produce, business development, community cafés and shops. Applications can be made at www.surreycc.gov.uk/ruralprosperity.
Henry Smith Charity

Further information on eligibility and how to apply for a grant from the Henry Smith Charity, if you live in Godstone, South Godstone or Blindley Heath, is available on request from Trisha Miller, Clerk to the Trustees at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Household Support Fund 

Please find information on the government scheme to help ease the financial pressure from the rising cost of living. Residents with low incomes can apply for a small grant from this fund  Household support fund - Tandridge District Council

Parish Articles and Letters

pdfGodstone Parish Funding and Work

pdfCar Park Termination of Project Statement

Pondtail Surgery

There is also a webpage Patient Engagement for Future GP Services at Pond Tail Surgery (Godstone) which will be updated with the latest information.

Surrey Hills AONB Boundary Review

A formal boundary review is currently underway led by Natural England, https://www.surrey-hills-aonb-boundary-review.org/


Please contact the Clerk if you would like to apply to the Parish Council for a Grant.

 Information on the Unitary Authority Proposal

pdfSurrey County Council Letter on Unitary Authority to Secretary of State (June 2020)

pdfTandridge District Council Letter on Unitary Authority to Secretary of State (June 2020) and attachment

pdfDistrict and Borough Leaders Letter on Unitary Authority to Secretary of State (June 2020)

Statutory Documents

Committee Terms of Reference are in the Meetings section of the website on each individual Committee page.
Information Updates
Godstone Parish Councils Representations on the Tandridge Local Plan 2033 Regulation 19
 Please contact the Clerk for further information.